"The very first step in understanding what this is all about is giving up the concept of an active, volitional 'I' as a separate entity and accepting the passive role of perceiving and functioning as a process." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Stop Identifying Body-Mind with Consciousness

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

M: That you are sitting there - that itself is going to be troublesome to you. This is your trouble: You are not in a position to sustain that consciousness and you cannot bear it. When the body was not there, when the consciousness was not there, what were you? You are not in a position to understand that.

Q: Before the body was and consciousness appeared, It was whatever It was.

M: Now that you, you are conscious. Is it because you want it or did it just come automatically, spontaneously to you?

Q: It appears to be spontaneous.

M: You are conscious now, spontaneously, not because you want to be. That's a fact, isn't it?

Q: Yes. I think all this idea of spirituality - of trying to give a meaning to that consciousness - is the only trouble, when consciousness wants to extend itself and be all those things.

M: No, that is not troublesome for you. The troublesome thing is the consciousness appearing on you. It is only because of that that you are giving names or not giving names, doing something or not doing something.

Q: That is the root of the trouble. If consciousness would just be itself and not try to apply concepts to everything, there would be no trouble.'

M: This is all imagination.

Q: It is very simple. All the experiences that we call life happen in consciousness, and the meaning of life is just to experience consciousness everywhere. So, when the end comes, then that's it. Cannot consciousness just see and face that end?

M: Can you stay in that?

Q: But what doesn't allow me to stay in that void is looking, searching, trying to do this or that.

M: When the consciousness is there, so is the vital force; thoughts are flowing and a lot of words are coming. That is your mind. Just understand that you are not concerned with the consciousness. It will still be there, it will still continue, but you are not identifying with it, saying, "I am this or I am that."

There should not be any difficulty because the self-evident fact is that you are. Why don't you stop there and find out that point? See what that state is.

Translator: Maharaj wants to know if you understand what he is saying to this other person. You.

Q: Yes, he is speaking of consciousness.

M: Have you understood the meaning of consciousness?

Q: Consciousness is everything that appears.

M: Who is saying that?

Q: The feeling is, I am.

M: Who experiences this?

Q: Consciousness experiences itself.

M: Yes. Listen to these dialogues for some time more. Whatever is going on, listen for some time more. Thinking "I have understood everything correctly" - that itself is the first mistake. Space is created and thereby the consciousness, which is really non-personal, has become a person, limited to the body and mind. You feel that the consciousness is limited to the body and the mind, but if the consciousness is accepted as non-personal, then there is no trouble. Because the knowledge I AM is there, we conduct all activities. In morning when you wake up you get that first guarantee, that conviction of I AM. Then, because you are not in a position to sustain or tolerate that "I amness,"you bestir yourself. You get up and move around here and there and the activity starts. You involve yourself in all the activity because you want to sustain that "I Amness." Later on that "I Amness" forgets itself in deep sleep; only then are you peaceful.

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सर्वानुग्राहकत्वेन तद्स्म्यहं वासुदेवः॥

That in whom reside all beings and who resides in all beings,
who is the giver of grace to all, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being:
I AM THAT. -- Amritabindu Upanishad