"The very first step in understanding what this is all about is giving up the concept of an active, volitional 'I' as a separate entity and accepting the passive role of perceiving and functioning as a process." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Monday, July 19, 2010

Heaven and Hell

Sri Ramana Maharshi:

Visitor: Are there heaven and hell?

Master: There must be someone to go there. They are like dreams. We see time and space exist in dream also. Which is true, dream or wakefulness?

V: So we must rid ourselves of lust, anger etc.

M: Give up thoughts. You need not give up anything else. You must be there to see anything. It is the Self. Self is ever-conscious.

V: Are pilgrimages good?

M: Yes.

V: What effort is necessary for reaching the Self?

M: 'I' should be destroyed. Self is not to be reached. Is there any moment when Self is not? It is not new. Be as you are. What is new cannot be permanent. What is real must always exist.

V: What is sacrifice through wisdom (jnana yajna) or other sacrifices?

M: Other disciplines exist for it. Practice is for gaining wisdom.

V: Are jivanmuktas (living liberated souls) of different kinds?

M: What does it matter if they differ externally? There is no difference in their wisdom (jnana).

V: When loyal to one Master can you respect others?

M: Guru is only one. He is not physical. So long as there is weakness the support of strength is needed.

V: J. Krishnamurthy says, "No Guru is necessary."

M: How did he know it? One can say so after realizing but not before.

V: You have gained this state by great effort. What shall we poor souls do?

M: We are in our Self. We are not in the world.

V: Heaven and hell - what are they?

M: You carry heaven and hell with you. Your lust, anger etc produce these regions. They are like dreams.

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सर्वानुग्राहकत्वेन तद्स्म्यहं वासुदेवः॥

That in whom reside all beings and who resides in all beings,
who is the giver of grace to all, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being:
I AM THAT. -- Amritabindu Upanishad