"The very first step in understanding what this is all about is giving up the concept of an active, volitional 'I' as a separate entity and accepting the passive role of perceiving and functioning as a process." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Monday, April 15, 2013

Diksha by thought is the best!

Sri Ramana Maharshi
18-10-1945 Morning

A second edition of Sri Ramana, the sage of Arunagiri by Aksharajna has recently come out. Sampling it here and there, I came across the passage that Bhagvan blesses his disciples in various ways, the mild by sight, the middling by thought, the advanced by touch. Once when I was reading kaivalyam in Tamil, I asked Bhagvan, "Many books speak of Gurus blessings disciples or giving diksha by touching the head of the disciple with their hands or feet. How is it then Bhagavan never does any such thing?" 

He said, "It is true the books mention the three ways of diksha- by sight, touch and thought. But diksha by thought is really the best." 

So I asked Bhagavan today about the above passage in Aksharajna's book saying, "He also knew Bhagavan well. He must have had some reason for saying so." 

Bhagavan said, "I don't know. I might have touched some by accident or for other reasons, not with the intention of giving diksha." 

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सर्वभूताधिवासं यद्भूतेषु च वसत्यपि।
सर्वानुग्राहकत्वेन तद्स्म्यहं वासुदेवः॥

That in whom reside all beings and who resides in all beings,
who is the giver of grace to all, the Supreme Soul of the universe, the limitless being:
I AM THAT. -- Amritabindu Upanishad