The god who holds in his hands the conch, the discus etc., protects the three worlds, on account of the adorable conditioning. It is thanks to the same type of conditioning that the sun shines and the cosmic body of the Creator continues to direct this vast creation. And, lord Shiva too, shines as a divinity on account of this type of conditioning.The gods that sustain this world and function in various ways are endowed with their faculties by this adorable conditioning or self-limitation.
On the other hand, under the influence of the sterile or barren conditioning, the mind falls a prey to the desire for pleasure in the deluded belief that such experience is delightful.
Even the functioning of the cosmic elements is due to conditioning. And it is because of it that the gods in heaven, the humans on earth and the demons in the nether world arise and fall, like waves on the ocean. Even as in the ocean the big fish eat the small ones, all these countless beings feed upon one another and are helplessly blown around in space on account of their conditioning. And, the stars in space move in their own orbits because of conditioning. Now rising, now setting, now bright, now dark, the moon continues to revolve around the earth and is not abandoned because of conditioning.
O Rama, behold this mysterious creation brought into beings by who-knows-who in response to the mental concepts of beings. This universe has been conjured up in empty space merely by mental conditioning: it is not a reality. And in this universe, craving for pleasure gnaws at the very vitals of all beings who are attached to the world, the body etc. None can count their number any more than the number of particles of sand along the ocean beaches. The Creator of this universe has brought this universe into being, as it were, only in response to the mental conditioning of these countless beings. These beings are excellent dry fuel for the flaming fire of hell here. Whatever suffering is found in this world, know that it is meant only for these beings. Even as rivers flow rapidly towards the ocean, suffering flows towards those who are mentally conditioned. This whole creation is thus pervaded by ignorance. However, if one cuts asunder this craving for pleasure, the limitation of mental conditioning yields to a great expansion. Mental conditioning is burning pain to the limbs, O Rama: but infinite expansion (or devotion to the infinite) is the magic cure for the burning pain. That mind which is unattached to anything, which is established in the peace of infinite expansion, is conducive to delight. He who stands rooted in self-knowledge is liberated here and now.
On the other hand, under the influence of the sterile or barren conditioning, the mind falls a prey to the desire for pleasure in the deluded belief that such experience is delightful.
Even the functioning of the cosmic elements is due to conditioning. And it is because of it that the gods in heaven, the humans on earth and the demons in the nether world arise and fall, like waves on the ocean. Even as in the ocean the big fish eat the small ones, all these countless beings feed upon one another and are helplessly blown around in space on account of their conditioning. And, the stars in space move in their own orbits because of conditioning. Now rising, now setting, now bright, now dark, the moon continues to revolve around the earth and is not abandoned because of conditioning.
O Rama, behold this mysterious creation brought into beings by who-knows-who in response to the mental concepts of beings. This universe has been conjured up in empty space merely by mental conditioning: it is not a reality. And in this universe, craving for pleasure gnaws at the very vitals of all beings who are attached to the world, the body etc. None can count their number any more than the number of particles of sand along the ocean beaches. The Creator of this universe has brought this universe into being, as it were, only in response to the mental conditioning of these countless beings. These beings are excellent dry fuel for the flaming fire of hell here. Whatever suffering is found in this world, know that it is meant only for these beings. Even as rivers flow rapidly towards the ocean, suffering flows towards those who are mentally conditioned. This whole creation is thus pervaded by ignorance. However, if one cuts asunder this craving for pleasure, the limitation of mental conditioning yields to a great expansion. Mental conditioning is burning pain to the limbs, O Rama: but infinite expansion (or devotion to the infinite) is the magic cure for the burning pain. That mind which is unattached to anything, which is established in the peace of infinite expansion, is conducive to delight. He who stands rooted in self-knowledge is liberated here and now.
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